| BiquadSection() |
 | BiquadSection(const IIR::BiquadSection& init) |
 | BiquadSection(const IIR::PolarBiquadSection& init) |
 | IIR::BiquadSection& operator =(const IIR::BiquadSection& init) |
 | IIR::BiquadSection& operator =(const IIR::PolarBiquadSection& init) |
 | inline double ComputeOutput(double x) It returns y[n] given a value of x[n] w[n] = x[n] - a1*w[n-1] - a2*w[n-2] y[n] = b0*w[n] + b1*w[n-1] + b2*w[n-2]
 | void Clear() |
 | void ComputeOutput(double* buffer, const int numSamples) It modifies the samples in buffer, the operation is in place (that is the output is written in the same buffer)
 | void ComputeOutput16(char* buffer, const int numSamples) It modifies 16 bits samples in the buffer, the operation is in place (that is the output is written in the same buffer)
 | void ComputeOutput16_2Channels(char* buffer, const int numSamples) It modifies 16 bits in buffer, the operation is in place (that is the output is written in the same buffer) buffer has two channels, i.e., ch1, ch2, ch1, ch2, ch1, ch2 (numSamples is 3)
 | void ComputeOutput_2Channels(double& inout_ch1, double& inout_ch2) |
 | void ComputeOutput_2Channels(double* buffer, const int numSamples) It modifies the samples in buffer, the operation is in place (that is the output is written in the same buffer) buffer has two channels, i.e., ch1, ch2, ch1, ch2, ch1, ch2 (numSamples is 3)
 | void CreateLinkwitzRileyHighPass(double cutFreqHz, double samplingFreqHz) |
 | void CreateLinkwitzRileyLowPass(double cutFreqHz, double samplingFreqHz) |
 | void CreateShelvingHigh(double cutFreqHz, double samplingFreqHz, double gaindB, double Q, bool attenuate) 1000 < cutFreqHz < 15000 -21 < gaindB < 21 Recommended Q = 0.8 (0.5 < Q < 1.1) To prevent amplitude saturation use attenuate=true
 | void CreateShelvingLow(double cutFreqHz, double samplingFreqHz, double gaindB, double Q, bool attenuate) 29 < cutFreqHz < 151 -21 < gaindB < 21 Recommended Q = 0.75 (0.5 < Q < 0.9) To prevent amplitude saturation use attenuate=true
 | void ResetTaps() |
 | ~ BiquadSection() |
 | BiquadsCascade() |
 | BiquadsCascade(const IIR::BiquadsCascade& init) |
 | BiquadsCascade(const IIR::PolarBiquadsCascade& init) |
 | IIR::BiquadSection& operator [ ](long index) |
 | IIR::BiquadsCascade& operator =(const IIR::BiquadsCascade& init) |
 | IIR::BiquadsCascade& operator =(const IIR::PolarBiquadsCascade& init) |
 | bool SetSize(int numberBiquadSections) |
 | const IIR::BiquadSection& operator [ ](long index)const |
 | double ComputeOutput(double x) It returns y[n] given a value of x[n]
 | int GetSize() |
 | void ComputeOutput(double* buffer, const int numSamples) It modifies the samples in buffer, the operation is in place (that is the output is written in the same buffer)
 | void ComputeOutput_2Channels(double* buffer, const int numSamples) It modifies the samples in buffer, the operation is in place (that is the output is written in the same buffer) buffer has two channels, i.e., ch1, ch2, ch1, ch2, ch1, ch2 (numSamples is 3)
 | void Delete() |
 | ~ BiquadsCascade() |
 | IIR::PolarBiquadSection& operator =(const IIR::BiquadSection& init) |
 | IIR::PolarBiquadSection& operator =(const IIR::PolarBiquadSection& init) |
 | PolarBiquadSection() |
 | PolarBiquadSection(const IIR::BiquadSection& init) |
 | PolarBiquadSection(const IIR::PolarBiquadSection& init) |
 | double GetGroupDelay(double freq_rads) |
 | double GetMagnitude(double freq_rads) |
 | void Clear() |
 | void GetPoles(double& out_reP1, double& out_imP1, double& out_reP2, double& out_imP2) |
 | void GetZeros(double& out_reZ1, double& out_imZ1, double& out_reZ2, double& out_imZ2) |
 | ~ PolarBiquadSection() |
 | IIR::PolarBiquadSection& operator [ ](long index) |
 | IIR::PolarBiquadsCascade& operator =(const IIR::BiquadsCascade& init) |
 | IIR::PolarBiquadsCascade& operator =(const IIR::PolarBiquadsCascade& init) |
 | PolarBiquadsCascade() |
 | PolarBiquadsCascade(const IIR::BiquadsCascade& init) |
 | PolarBiquadsCascade(const IIR::PolarBiquadsCascade& init) |
 | bool SetSize(int numberBiquadSections) |
 | const IIR::PolarBiquadSection& operator [ ](long index)const |
 | double GetGroupDelay(double freq_rads) |
 | double GetMagnitude(double freq_rads) |
 | int GetSize() const |
 | void Delete() |
 | void GetPoles(vector<complex<double>>& out_poles) |
 | void GetZeros(vector<complex<double>>& out_zeros) |
 | ~ PolarBiquadsCascade() |